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Comedy Wildlife Photography actually exists.
I know right? I didn't know that either. I thought that the only comedic animals were the colourful, animated ones brought to life in a...
Funny Fashion.
I've briefly discussed the hilarity of bad stock photography in a previous post, and now Adobe has taken it even a step further. They are...
PhotoshopFail: Unarmed and Dangerous...
Looks like someone could have used a HAND with their Photoshop skills for this one...
PhotoshopFail: Crash Test Funny.
I don't even know where to begin with this one. The obvious, unconvincing placement of the vehicle. The equally unconvincing text. The...
New currency for creatives...
We've all been there or know of someone who has. A client asks us to provide a service for them, be it photography, design or retouching....
It's Panorama Fail Friday...
One of the features I love of the mobile phones of today is the panorama mode. Gone are the days of having to shoot several frames, only...
Making sense of stock.
Nowadays, the quality of photographs used for content and in the media can make or break you. Put awful images in your website's...
PhotoshopFail: Harper's (very) Bizarre.
It always astounds me how these things slip through the net. Especially when it's for the cover of a popular high end magazine. Surely...
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